Friday, January 21, 2011

Dog Flaky Skin On Back

The forest

a tree as if it were in man rings multiply, expand and flourish and wither leaves. In this vital process branches spread out, surrounding himself with others like him who protects and cares for Poachers can occur at any time and from place less unexpected. So we need to live in the forest and not as isolated trees to help us, pat us, to listen, to feel close.

However, there is an unbridgeable gap between man and the tree: one knows his past, living in the present and thinks about his future. The second only lives in the present.

Of all the moments, which is yesterday and curve grows roots of man. Contemplates and recognizes that it is one more, but unlike the others, the origin of remember, honoring the seeds from which grew as a vital food that quenches inside. And so in that effort, not always pleasant, notes that the forest is not part of it. Others fought, struggled, suffered and enjoyed for him to have the trunk higher and more skilled glass possible.

As every tree Young was unfair with their seeds, not always recognizing that work and dedication. Curious moment when the young tree looks back with some perspective and maturity. Especially if the summer has brought some fruit. That feels the bravery and courage of their predecessors. There is that without them everything would have been more difficult. There is clearly part of a forest with a specific name. There is no need to shout that the forest would be nothing today.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Alot Of White Mucus Than Usual?

Dearest Friend:

's not day to be asleep. Today we have given the Golden Ball Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Villa, Puyol, Piqué and gala Guardiola, and Barcelona like you should not miss.

take to let you know some things you know and some do not. You know that you were born with athletic body, which was difficult to run the 1500 meters final at any Olympics. You know I do not dance with ease, but it is also true that we all like leaning against you at a party, not for your precious movements but by your conversation.

In you there is a clear mind that can give the key to many problems of their environment.

have a clear mind and democratic because not afraid to say the right thing if you think it is, using what you have at your fingertips, whether radio, internet or newspaper. What shame you can or should you give someone when expressed as you, always correctly either orally or in writing. Friend, glad to hear you and read you.

is true that you're shy, so sometimes the error committed by those who do not get behind you or was not suited to your height, but recognize your mistakes and that is welcome.

But above all, your friends, your people, your mind wants you for participation. For always being there whenever and wherever you need. Are you a member of several associations, always without fear boards roll up your sleeves. Are present in all events, cradle or enjoy, that we are also lacking in these latitudes. As

you, not many of your Rio Tinto, so, go, do not be stupid, wake up Take away from us the fear and still enjoying life as you did today.

understand, friend, that you need.