High School in a class a teacher explains the estate society in feudal Europe. The students listened with genuine interest in the Middle Ages until the French Revolution, society was clearly divided into privileged and unprivileged estates. The first consisted of the nobility (Bellator) and clergy (orators). It was a small minority who enjoyed certain advantages: no manual labor, not paying taxes, administering justice and could be tried only by members of his establishment.
The second group was the peasantry (Laboratores) that lacked any kind of privilege and therefore should work and pay taxes. Plethora of laws, rules and customs that oppressed sector.
Membership was determined either by birth and was almost impossible to change from one to another. If someone from the nobility wanted to be part of the clergy occupy a prominent position (bishop, cardinal, archbishop ...). If I did a peasant would cure people with the same quality of life than his family.
The teacher made a point not to move our minds to the past to come to understand that context. However, a student in personal reflection, after asking permission, he asked how could the peasants endure these conditions. Why not be revealed, came together, screaming, fighting together to overcome these adversities.
The professor quickly replied that he understood the historic moment, his lack of education and information they received in the pulpits and in their houses end any critical attitude. He said that more than one survey, most unlucky, was carried out, to then remain thoughtful and silent for a few seconds.
After the break we asked the whole class in general and in particular whether the student lived in an egalitarian society. No, responded. Fair? No. Is Criticism? No. Do Fighter? No. Conformity? Yes What then are differences between those medieval peasants and ourselves? In reality, few: Theories and technology. With this real answer referring first to the written laws and not always implemented at all alike, and second to the everyday comforts we enjoy (house, car, health, etc.).
What do you want them say? Are Alba and Bourbon. Join family and friends stopped by the crisis generated by others who continue their standard of living. You know if you are corrupt but politically, or known politician, will follow with a microphone that amplifies your ideas free. Are you aware that if you were the organizer of something known as Gurtel case, Yak-42 case, case Pheasant Mercasevilla or would be in prison as long as you do not have powerful friends in politics and justice. Suffer with "journalism" yellow party you read, hear or see.
And all that we endure in silence or screaming at the TV from the couch.
wrong Are these students? Do not live in a medieval society? Do not continue to sleep with the powerful farmers? Will you come some famous encyclopedic as Rousseau or Montesquieu to move the people to a new French Revolution? Let hesitate. Arrivals is not expected or not influential movements in the mob.