Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can Someone Have Herpes On Their Stomach

Happy New Year!

Hi all! I wish you a Happy New Year! That the super pass with his family! Fired this year with joy and happiness for our great accomplishments! I want to thank all visits this blog! Thank you for entering every day for news! I hope in 2010 we are the same people but much better !!!!! Greetings
!!!!!= D

Friday, December 18, 2009

Beautiful Agonydailymotion

Last update for 1.8/2.3

Hi all! On the Sims 3 have the latest update for 1.8/2.3:

The Sims 3:

• The theme is heard in the background will not restart when switching between "Build" and "Buy."
• cypress model low level of detail has been refined.
• Fixed the appearance of blue color on the inside of bowls when mixing ingredients Sims.
• Mac: Improved stability of The Sims ™ 3 graphics card Nvidia 7300 Series.
• Now the ghosts floating access to the rooms without doors.
• Fixed a minor problem that was going to build a room around an NPC visitor.
• The estimated time for interactions "Sleep" and "Exercise" is now much accurate.
• The selected options for interaction are now applied correctly if it is determined before the start of it. • Added
trick test "Delete Object."
• Mac: the pitcher of the game and not allow players to edit file extensions, which resulted in frequent load failures.
• Mac: Fixed a bug that was given to move very quickly by the installer.
• Using Undo tool to remove paint spot on, and not automatically select a paint brush terrain.
• When a pair of singles Sims have a baby, now correctly indicates their relationship in the relationship panel.
• Gnomes can now be added to the community lots.
• Trash normally reacts now when you export a site and replace with "edit in the game."
• Fixed a minor error that occurred if no one Sim greeted visitors before they leave.
• Fixed a problem of low incident that marred the game to come out of it.
• Fixed a bug that could occur after extremely irregular ground level.
• Improved stability in extended gaming sessions.
• You can not create indelible in basement walls.
• The trick "Clone" has been disabled for Sims and walls.
• Mac: no longer can open multiple windows launcher at the same time.
• If the player opens the cheat panel as it rotates a lot in Edit mode of the game, the game is no longer hanging.
• Improved long-term stability at speed 3 for extended periods of time.
• The trick "Add to active family" no longer will add to more than 8 Sims to a home. Households with more than 8 Sims game generate instability.
• Trash normally reacts now when you export a site and replace with "edit in the game."
• Fixed a minor error that occurred if no one greeted a visitor Sim before he left.
• Fixed a problem of low incident that marred the game to come out of it.
• Fixed a bug that could occur after extremely irregular ground level.
• Improved stability in extended gaming sessions.
• You can not create indelible in basement walls.
• The trick "Clone" has been turned off for Sims and walls.
• Mac: no longer can open multiple windows launcher at the same time.
• If the player opens the cheat panel as it rotates a lot in Edit mode of the game, the game is no longer hanging.
• Improved long-term stability with 3 speed for extended periods of time.
• The trick "Add to active family" no longer will add to more than 8 Sims to a home. Households with more than 8 Sims game generate instability.
The Sims 3 World Adventures:

• Shop in the Game: Players can now access the contents of the store through the Store Browser Game In Buying Mode.
• Mac Uninstaller Uninstaller for Mac gives Mac gamers the option to easily uninstall all the applications, content or expansion packs for The Sims 3.
• Fixed a bug that could lead to error code 16 error when saving game.
• message was added self-healing to recover damaged saved games above error "Error Code 16."
• Now the music of The Sims ™ 3 World Adventures is played properly on all stereo channels.
• Fixed the game to crash and could occur when changing the active household.
• Life expectancy of the Sims and does not change when using interactions Plan Change Appearance or clothing.
• Now the hotkey "C" works when taking pictures with cell phones.
• Now the food stored in refrigerators spoils at the reduced rate.
• Fixed the problem that could cause the cured mummies mummies maintained its status as the mummy walking style.
• Now owned businesses generate new revenues properly.
• Now the challenge for photographic skill "FRAME" appropriately rewarded with pictures of greater value.
• You can now delete the key panels of stone with stone keys inserted into Build or Buy mode.
• Sims that are swimming and do not walk on water after The Sims ™ 3 is updated.
• Custom Favorite Music and Music is not changed to French after upgrading Favorita.
• Improved trick Favorite Music.
• Now you can keep in the drawer and successfully imported all custom styles in the door of the tomb.
• Sims will no longer briefly appear in position T when out of a scooter as they run on Speed \u200b\u200b3.
• The track of background music and not restarted when switching between build and buy modes.
• refined the model is little detail of the Cypress Tree.
• Addressed an issue where the interior of the bowls appeared blue while the Sims mixed content.
• Mac: Improved stability of The Sims ™ 3 running on a Nvidia 7300 Series.
• There were numerous clarifications of text and spelling corrections.
• Met with the problem of small cut was going to put the Scooter Kenspa next to a bike rack. Relics
• Now self-sorted into distinct categories of inventory.
• Journal entries now Martial Arts Skills describe the rewards for completing each skill challenge.
• Journal entries now Photographic Skills describe the rewards for completing each skill challenge.
• The Pagoda Roof selections are no longer available when the option is enabled Roof-Auto.
• Now the ghosts can float in rooms without doors.
• Monitoring Task Progress has been extended to apply adventures.
• now informed of players with Sims when the interaction Martial Arts training is available.
• Relics names now include the type. (Ie, Red, Jade, Stone)
• Now the sound effects of the torch are issued from the correct position.
• Now, to return home, remain hairstyles that changed when traveling.
• Sims will no longer wait indefinitely when their paths are disturbed by a trap. Now the adventures
• "A little experimentation" and "Even Better!" have unique requirements.
• Sims can no longer travel to Sims who are in jail.
• Fixed a minor error that occurred when building a room around an NPC.
• advice was added to indicate how to create a Mummy controlled by the player.
• The expected duration of interaction, for interactions Sleep and Exercise, is now much more accurate.
• The size of the custom UI player inventory remains after traveling.
• selections Now Interaction Options are applied properly if you select before you start the interaction. • Now there
NPC Scouts in France.
• Added a trick to test "Delete Object".
• Now the fireworks that are placed in rooms of graves may be placed in inventory.
• Now the Adventure "Vegetable ... Now" specifically required to complete lettuce.
• Relics are not in the collection of household have increased sink rate.
• Now the NPC Tourists can get pregnant.
• Mac: The Game Launcher no longer allows the player to edit file extensions. This was a common cause of failure to load.
• Adventure Now "Opening the Tomb of Necteaux" is a text completion.
• Removed the requirement of completion of Opportunity "Hand Painting in China."
• Fixed a problem where, at some stages of the adventure, the Adventure Monitor was wrong if the venture was suspended and resumed, after traveling.
• NPCs are now involved in an adventure are immune to the progress of history.
• Mac: Fixed crash that occurred when moving very quickly by the installer. • When selecting Undo
having selected the eraser tool and paint the land does not automatically select a paint brush the ground.
• Sims no longer lose the ingredients required to call a mummy if the interaction fails. Sims
• When not married have a baby, she displays an accurate status of the relationship in the relationship panel.
• Now, in lots of the community, you can drag the gnomes live.
• Improved placement of the Eye of Horus.
• Pregnant Sims at work and can not be placed in neighborhoods adventure through City Edit.
• Now the ghosts of locals in the neighborhood of adventure can be restored after bringing home the local tombstone.
• Now the player is notified when a foreign land Sim dies of old age. • Now when
foreign Sims die of old age, his tombstone will be properly placed in the mausoleum, if the deceased Sim meets the necessary requirements of a relationship with a member of the active household.
• Now the reaction to piles of garbage is properly after being exported and replace a batch containing the pile of garbage through the Edit in the Game.
• Fixed a minor error that could occur if a Sim visitor was not fired before he needed to leave.
• Fixed a rare problem where the game could collapse while it was abandoned.
• Fixed a crash that could occur even after an extremely uneven terrain.
• Fixed an unlikely bug that could occur if the player's Sim was away from home when he got a foreign visitor.
• Now being in Police Work Career have a better chance of triggering an opportunity to learn martial arts skills.
• It is now much more realistic for players to complete the Opportunity "A Bet Invaluable."
• Fixed a rare issue that could restart a Notes Sims Sim while using the Snake Charmer Basket.
• Now the epitaphs on the tombstones remain after traveling.
• Custom Paints shared Exchange no longer lose their texture after re-import the lot.
• Fixed a minor error that occurred when traveling with an urn in the Sim's inventory.
• Opportunity Now "Get Tiberium" requires a more realistic amount of Tiberium. • Interaction Jogging
no longer mocks the poor or stunted mummies controlled by the player.
• Improved stability of the extended gaming session.
• Sims will no longer embrace in tents with inappropriate partners.
• There are now more stringent requirements for Chaca Chaca relationships with Sims in the Coffin.
• Sims have children now available Use Stairs interaction.
• Malicious Sims now is "Bump" when reacting to danger.
• The repossession of objects in the graves no longer results in the creation of a provisional order.
• The duration of Courage Collection Wonderful modifier no longer oscillates up and down.
• Addressed an issue where the tombstones of foreign Sims inventory disappeared after returning home to neighborhood Sim.
• Mac: Added a safety precaution to avoid running the launcher when it is being updated.
• mummies now discuss the ups and downs of being a mummy.
• Mummies and can not learn songs. Your vocal cords have been damaged, leaving them speechless.
• Sims will no longer retain minor side effects for being a Mum after being cured.
• You can not create non-erasable wall in the basement.
• Now the executive said the best way to World Adventures is required for custom content that depends on World Adventures.
• Now the ghosts of the Sims which expired by the Curse of the Mummy deploy an appropriate aura of particles.
• The trick to clone Sims has been disabled and Paredes.
• Mac: I can not open multiple windows running concurrently. • It
Fixed a crash if the player open the cheat console while rotating a lot in Edit mode in the game.
• Fixed a bug that could damage the relationship of a Sim with a ghost pregnant during the trip.
• Now the state of the traps is imported and exported properly. (Hidden or visible)
• Improved long-term stability when running at speed 3 for extended periods of time.
• The ghosts that can be played and can not get stuck wandering in a gender-specific bathroom.
• Fixed slow memory leak that occurred for traveling with different Sims. • Now the relations
properly updated if a couple is separated when one is traveling.
• Players can no longer cause your Sims to get stuck in areas without long path to cancel routes on the roads of China.
• Sims will no longer have the possibility of getting stuck when they are caught by traps hidden in the basement of the Tomb of Abu Simbel. • Now
logical processing objects in the tombs retain all settings are imported and exported.
• Now the levers on the wall torches are encouraged to pull them.
• Now the old tricks are disabled in Towns Travel.
• Sims can no longer get the desire to do Nectar using onions.
• Fixed a minor error that could occur when burned mummies.
• NPC merchants are not generated if the Town of Travel does not contain a market.
• The marker map for a Sim to be no longer remains after leaving the Sim City Travel.
• You can not create multiple fields based on the same City Travel. Chat
• Interaction in the bed is no longer available for Sims in tents.
• Fixed an issue where Sims could get caught in the Sarcophagus if other Sims were in line to use. Add
• The trick Active Family allows no more than 8 Sims are added to a home. Households with more than 8 Sims game caused instability.
• Now the player is informed its an Adventure is canceled due to a different Sim interfere with the requirements of the search.
• Clarified text adventures Monitor for adventure "Deliver without Melt Mercury Parts."
• Reduced rate of gain athletic ability to sleep in the sarcophagus of the King. • Objects in
been hidden and not revert to a visible state when importing and exporting a lot.
cell • Pictures stored on a lot in the box are no longer lost when upgrading.
Greetings! = D
PD: CAUTION DO NOT UPDATE YOUR GAME BECAUSE THEY WILL CLEAR ALL AND WILL BE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE! Now the creators of The Sims 3 have fixed this misunderstanding!! Thanks to Anonymous I been warned!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Street Price Bar Xanax

Ran 77 wins Sunday Million

The last Sunday poquerĂ­stica 6 was an evening of which I will always remember. Turns out, as nice surf tournament Christmas special foreros Poker Network sponsored by the Grand Trujillo-see -poker-network-hilo.html - some were playing foreros of the Eighty Grand Sunday.

So to my sensei ran77 encouraged to sign up for the tournament. He was a member of Alex Caputo forum in which the veterans that we started in poker, and although he had no account at the time was Red Poker ever come to play a private tournament play on Mondays.

the tournament starts and I open a screen with the sensei ran77 table and watched with dismay as it is removed prematurely Eighty Grand. "No matter ...", I said in the chat," ... and I'm thinking to play the Sunday Million tonight, that you have not play it. Gl Javi. "

I open a couple of tournaments to buy in low. The tracking thread and Red Poker is hot: . I think there is much to be thankful for Trujillo, Kristina Adrotax and they created a great atmosphere. I'm falling in Eighty But I stand up well within the ladder of awards in a 10 +1 MTT $ -120 bucks for the bag, but worse is a kick in the stomach.

At times I've seen playing with his sensei avatar monkey on the cover of the Pixies Doolittle. When I go to bed at about three ran77 is somewhat less than 200,000 chips, more than the average at that time.

The next morning I get up late. Breakfast toast and juice. I take coffee at the computer. Check e-mail and say: "Let's see how ran77 was when I left to look was fine. Knowing I should not wonder who entered the prize. Come I will start looking in the upper lobby of the table ...".

And what I found this (click to enlarge):

I did not have to look far, no.

I have to stop writing, which is about to start the tournament Poker Network to see who played today ...:-P

PS: The sensei proetido me a interview for the blog. If you think you have something interesting to leave your question here.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Birthday Wishes In Romanian

Journal No. 20 and the Sale! The Sims 3

Hi! In ActualidadSims have reported that has gone on sale Magazine No. 20 of The Sims!! This magazine contains gift folder LS3 Globetrotters and as always a CD with official content and extras . You'll find tips and strategies from the latest sims games, as well as coverage of the music of famous artists in The Sims 3.

The next magazine will be released on February 15 ...

Greetings! = D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can Chewing Gum Give You An Upset Stomach

wish you Happy Holidays! Information

Hi all! On the Sims 3 have shown a video of the top 10 reasons to give at Christmas The Sims 3! I love you and do you think? ?:

Greetings! = D