Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dr George's Dental White On Ebay

: "If you can not spot the sucker, Then you're blind .. . My first steps Feber

film Rounders (John Dal, 1998) contributed greatly to the popularization of poker and especially his No Limit Texas Hold'em mode. Matt Damon gave life to a law student who was hard playing poker career. Who read this blog and you are players you have seen about thirty times. Who read the blog and do not play, probably not. To everyone I invite you to watch the first 10 minutes.

Listen, that's the thing. If you can not spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, Then you're the sucker. If within half an hour at the table can not locate the pigeon, then you're the pigeon.

highly recommend the film to which you have not seen. It's a good film regardless of the scenario is poker. You'll like it. Sure.

But what I wanted to write is from my first two weeks in microlímities (NL5 and NL10) at Poker Stars. The truth is that it is still a festival. This is the graph of my first 10k hands

are barely $ 200 in just under two weeks, but the pace of gains has been extraordinary: un promedio de 40bb/100manos. No tengo ni idea de si esto es sostenible en este límite (tengo entendido que en niveles superiorer 5bb/100manos es correcto) o de si se me está juntando la debilidad de los jugadores con una racha inusual de suerte.

Y es que se ven cosas que hielan la sangre en las venas. Realmente, si en la primera media hora en microlímites no detectas al pichón, entonces necesitas ir al oculista.

PS1 : Gracias a Juan , que me dió en bandeja el título para esta entrada.

PS2 (0 el mantra de la lechera ): Cruzo los dedos para que todo continue en esta dirección. Se acercan the Christmas holidays. If all goes well then you should be playing NL25. To see where I am able to grind ...


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