Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hdmi Audio Brake Out Box


Watch the TV on the pay for hours while his roommates do not stop changing. In one of his eyes to the set and not as furtive as before, a program recalls the century XX English. The country's past, parallel to his own. Watching realizes the time and unalterable step. No matter who has done good or evil, obligation or passion, force or not, time moves on without mourn for those left behind.

Thanks be lucid even to remember their moments, their moments, tastes and smells. Feelings shared by most of a generation. In his mind images of a house come attached to a garden, or subjected to a home garden. Animals (beasts called by his father) that entertain and feed. In a school where your imagination flying. In a dream truncated by a cry, the cry of his mother and an eternal disappearance. Photo of a father who did not return, a war between brothers than ever-not-understood now. Snapshots of starvation, repression, prison, marshes, Swedish and Alfredo Landa. Quick glances at the most beautiful woman ever seen who were returned clandestinely for it. Weddings, births and solemn communions.

caged Memories of happiness finally released on November 20 as it is today. In his mental album always rather preferred the champagne bottle that he kept and which gave it now thirty-five years.


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